10,000 Farkle upgraded to Version 1.2

10,000 Farkle has been updated to version 1.1 adding some new features. 10,000 Farkle is a dice game that requires both skill and luck. Points are awarded for various dice combinations, but if a roll fails to contain any combinations the turn ends with no points awarded.

Version 1.2 of 10,000 Farkle makes the animations run faster, adds support for the BlackBerry Torch, adds the ability to reset statistics, and reduces the file size by over 17%.

Faster Animation

Version 1.2 of 10,000 Farkle smooths out the animation of the dice allowing the game to run faster and smoother.

BlackBerry Torch Support

Also new to version 1.2 is support for operating system 6.0 and the new BlackBerry Torch.
The new operating system makes it possible to include additional features, such as a signal strength indicator.

Reset Statistics

It is now possible to reset all statistics, win percentages, high scores and achievements. These can either be reset all at once or in groups. This may be done through a menu option in the high scores screen.

Smaller Application Size

Version 1.2 of Farkle is 17.44% smaller which allows for more efficiency and frees up more room for other applications on your BlackBerry.

How to play

Farkle gives you six dice to roll and awards points for a straight, three pairs or three or more of the same number. Fewer points ares also awarded for each individual 1 and 5. Any dice that do not score can be re-rolled for additional points. If all 6 dice can be scored, all of the dice can be re-rolled on the same turn.

The skill in this game comes from knowing how far to push your luck, and which scoring combinations to take, and which to re-roll.

The default game mode gives you 10 turns to score as many points as you can. The 10,000 point mode is the traditional way to play, where the goal is to reach 10,000 points in as few turns as possible. The two competitive game modes “vs Friend” and “vs Computer” both use the traditional race to 10,000 points.

Supported Devices

10,000 Farkle requires a minimum OS of 4.6 and supports the 8330, 8350i, 8520, 8530, 8900, 9000, 9300, 9330, 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550, 9630, 9650, 9700, and 9800.

More Information

Video Demonstration

Where is BB OS 6?

Research in Motion launched their newest BlackBerry operating system (version 6.0) with the release of the BlackBerry Torch 9800 on August 12th. At the time they promised that the OS update was coming soon to some other devices such as the BlackBerry Bold 9700 and 9650. However, now well over a full month past the release of the Torch there has still been no release of OS6 for any other devices. The new webkit browser was showed off on the 9700 over 7 months ago, there is really no reason not to have these releases ready to go.

Instead we have plenty of BlackBerrys that are “OS6 ready”, but only actually have OS6 on a single device, that is currently only available in a single country, from a single carrier. The Torch is selling well enough, but is still a small segment of the market for the reason mentioned above. As a result there are very few devices that currently support OS6.

The end result is that as a developer all of the new features and APIs that OS6 offers will go unused. There are alot of cool options in the new operating system, but if the vast majority of users are unable to use them, then it is impossible to justify spending time learning and developing for OS6. Features that a super majority of users can not use is not a good reason to delay the launch of an new release.

It is not that I don’t want to offer these new options, it is that I need the market share in order to do so. All RIM needs to push out an update to the 9700, 9650, and 93xx devices and that would be a significant amount of users. Until then the advantages of OS6 will not be seen, even by those that already have the Torch.

The limitations of the SpinBoxField

BlackBerry operating system 5.0 added the new SpinBoxField ui component. This is a slick looking and useful graphical element that also forms the basis of the DateTimePicker. An example of the DateTimePicker as used in the Twinkle application is pictured.

However the SpinBoxField has some major limitations. Unlike the ObjectChoiceField the SpinBoxField does not display over the other elements and therefore requires large buffers above and below it in order to give its intended look. As a result it can only really be used on a very sparsely populated form, or within its own popup screen, which the documentation actually suggests. This severely limits the usefulness of the object and prevents designs from using what would otherwise be a fun and good looking element.

OS 5.0 adoption on the Storm 9530 nears 90%

The BlackBerry Storm was one of the earliest BlackBerry models to have an upgrade option to operating system 5.0 available for it. Tracking real world operating system use through downloads of Pixelated (the second most popular game in AppWorld) has shown the gradual decline of the older OS4.7 as the newer OS5.0 has become more popular.

Adoption of OS 5.0 on the BlackBerry Storm 9530 in August climbed up to 89.9% of all users. This is up 3% from July and is the largest month-to-month increase since May. At this point there is little reason for developers to worry about pre-OS5 touch screen devices, as there are hardly any left (although this is not yet true for non-touch screen devices such as the 8520 and 8900).

BlackBerry, the first choice game platform?

Traditionally the BlackBerry is seen as a more serious business device, while games are seen more as a strength of the iPhone. However the most recent app store report from Distimo actually points to game companies targeting the BlackBerry first.

In a section showing the application count of the top five cross platform publishers three (Gameloft, Electronic Arts, and Glu) all showed more applications available for BlackBerry then any other platform. A fourth (Handmark) showed BlackBerry even with iPhone and well ahead of Android. Perhaps BlackBerry is not quite the games wasteland that it is often thought to be.

Regardless with Pixelated and 10,000 Farkle both doing well, BlackBerry has proven to be a reliable gaming platform for Ebscer. So much so that a third game is on the way…

Is the BlackBerry Pearl already dead?

It is now a few months after the release of the new BlackBerry Pearl (9100 and 9105) but almost no one is buying this model. There are plenty of reasons for this, the primary one being the fact that it has been picked up by none of the major US carriers. But even more so the reviews for the phone while positive, always carried the hint that the Pearl was the perfect phone for “someone else”, and that they were obviously not going to give up their Bold for it. As such the Pearl is almost unused. Pixelated was one of the first applications to support the Pearl, but use of the Pearl has remained minimal. A look at downloads from late August show the Pearl still not doing as well as obscure models such as the 8350i and the GSM version of the Storm1. It is also not doing as well as recently launched models such as the 9800 and 9300. At this point there looks to be little reason for RIM to continue working on this line, and we may have already come to the end of this form factor’s life.

BlackBerry Torch off to a solid start

Despite a number of news reports claiming that sales of the BlackBerry Torch 9800 being “tepid” or “disappointing” the actual numbers show sales to be better than expected. Just because the Torch didn’t get an iPhone style roll out (which has never been RIM’s style), doesn’t mean that the Torch hasn’t had an excellent first week.

One of the advantages of developing one of BlackBerry’s most popular games is that you get a large enough sample size of user data to get a good idea of trends are happening in the BlackBerry ecosystem. So far the early signs show that the BlackBerry Torch is almost 12 times more popular then the Bold 9650 was during its first week on Verizon.

While the raw numbers are in fact higher, this is unimportant as there are a large number of factors going into that such a carrier and the popularity of the application at the given time. In order to adjust for this the Torch 9800 on was normalized against the 9700 on AT&T, and the Bold 9650 was normalized against the 9630 on Verizon. This showed the opening week for the Torch to be 11.9 times better the opening week for the 9650 was a few months ago. The Torch is off to a strong start, and will only continue to do so when it is rolled out across the Canadian carriers.

OS5.0 upgrade rates

With the recent release of BlackBerry OS6, the upgrade rate to OS5 continues to be a bit slow. But despite all the complaints about Verizon being slow to roll out an update for the Tour, popular Verizon phones like the 9530 and the 9630 have some of the best upgrade rates. The upgrade rate on the Storm has not improved that much over the past few months. Full data below.

DeviceOS 4.XOS 5.0

This data came from July downloads of the popular strategy game Pixelated.

Pixelated 2.3 releases with improvements

Pixelated has now been updated in BlackBerry AppWorld to version 2.3. Pixelated is the most popular Strategy game in BlackBerry AppWorld, and now adds a number of improvements and brand new features.

Alternate Colour Schemes

Version 2.3 of Pixelated introduces alternate colour schemes to mix up the appearance of the game. Besides the standard colour scheme that has been available all along, there is now also an all red theme.

Improved Performance

Overall application performance has been improved. Compared to the previous version Pixelated has seen a 26.4% reduction in file size, while adding features and running faster.

Clear Statistics

Inside the achievements page there is now a menu option to clear all statistics and achievements that you have earned so far. Be careful, however, because this can not be undone.

BlackBerry Torch Support

Pixelated version 2.3 supports the brand new BlackBerry Torch 9800. On the Torch Pixelated can be played by both the touch screen and the trackpad. The brand new BlackBerry Curve 9300 is also now supported.

Pixelated requires a minimum of OS 4.6 considering that is met the 8330, 8350i, 8520, 8530, 8900, 8910, 9000, 9100, 9105, 9300, 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550, 9630, 9650, 9700, and 9800 are all supported.


Pixelated Plus 2.3 adds new features

Pixelated Plus has now been updated in BlackBerry AppWorld to version 2.3. Pixelated Plus is the most popular Strategy game in BlackBerry AppWorld, and now adds a number of brand new features.

Alternate Colour Schemes

Version 2.3 of Pixelated introduces alternate colour schemes to mix up the appearance of the game. Besides the standard colour scheme that has been available all along, there is now also the possibility of selecting a pastel theme, an “other” theme (pictured above), a Black & White theme, as well as all red, and all blue themes.

Replay Games

Replay Pixelated PlusA new feature exclusive to the Plus version of Pixelated is the ability to replay games. Now following the conclusion of a game (win or loss), along with seeing the outcome of the previous game, an opportunity to replay the same layout over again will be presented. This will allow you to take another try at a screen that you are unable to beat, or to try and get a better score then you just posted.

Clear Statistics

Inside the statistics, best scores, and achievements pages there is now a menu option to clear all statistics, best scores, and achievements that you have earned so far. Be careful, however, because this can not be undone.

BlackBerry Torch Support

Pixelated Plus version 2.3 supports the brand new BlackBerry Torch 9800. On the Torch Pixelated can be played by both the touch screen and the trackpad. The soon to be released BlackBerry Curve 9300 will also be supported.

Pixelated Plus requires a minimum of OS 4.6 considering that is met the 8330, 8350i, 8520, 8530, 8900, 8910, 9000, 9100, 9105, 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550, 9630, 9650, 9700, and 9800 are all supported.


Application Support for the BlackBerry Torch

Twinkle on the BlackBerry TorchYesterday RIM announced the launch of the BlackBerry Torch 9800. It has a new operating system and input mechanism, making application support for it a mixed bag.

First of all Twinkle can support already support the Torch, and will be good to go on day one.

Pixelated and Pixelated Plus will support the BlackBerry Torch starting with version 2.3 which should be available before the Torch goes on sale next week. More on version 2.3 of Pixelated in the coming days…

The Hockey Scores application can support the Torch, but is due for an update to version 2.0 before the start of the 2010-2011 hockey season. As such there is no reason to make this application available for the 9800 immediately. Expect version 2.0 of Hockey Scores to be released in early October.

10,000 Farkle is the one application that is a bit buggy on the BlackBerry Torch. As such Farkle support on the 9800 will be held off until the application can be updated to version 1.2.

Twinkle for BlackBerry

Twinkle, a free Application for BlackBerry is now available through BlackBerry AppWorld. Twinkle is a simple application that allows you to set and keep track of upcoming and past events. Twinkle will tell you how far away an event is, and allow you to add it to your BlackBerry’s calendar.

The ability to add and edit events, lets you keep track of how soon something is, or how long it has been.

Pixelated Plus updated to Version 2.2

Pixelated Plus has been updated to version 2.2. This newest version improves the performance of the application. Additionally the file size has been reduced by 11.2% from version 2.1 of this already lean application.

The object of Pixelated is to change the colour of the squares until the entire screen is a single solid colour. This is done by using the coloured buttons on the bottom of the screen to change the colour of the square in the upper left hand corner to that of those surrounding it. Changing this square to the colour of those around it, allows it to slowly grow until it fills the entire screen. The ultimate goal is to clear the screen in as few moves as possible.

The full list of supported devices for Pixelated Plus includes the 8330, 8350i, 8520, 8530, 8900, 9000, 9100, 9105, 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550, 9630, 9650, and 9700 (min OS 4.6).