Why Pixelated will continue to have a free version

A few weeks ago iOS developer Marco Arment wrote a very good post on why he would no longer be offering a free version of his app Instapaper. Unlike that app, however, Pixelated will continue to have a free version of the app available for download.

In many ways this is a response to that article, but that doesn’t mean that one approach is always better. As Marco said “Every app is a special case”. And what makes sense for Instapaper does not make sense for Pixelated.

Why Pixelated is different

While Instapaper saw very few users first download the free app and then upgrade there is no reason to think that anyone purchases Pixelated Plus without first trying the free version of Pixelated. The free version has consistently gotten higher on the overall charts including recently reaching number one overall spot for the PlayBook. This visibility has always been key for Pixelated and is the foundation for the success of this game.

Also having the free version of the app available results in no direct costs for me. Unlike Instapaper there is no backend component to Pixelated so using the free version of does not result in any server costs. Additionally it shares enough of a code base with Pixelated Plus that development costs are negligible.

Where Pixelated is not different

There are some downsides to having a free version of the app. For many people the free version of the game is “good enough”. Pixelated (by design) is not limited in game play so if you are the type of user that does not need to know your stats, the number of moves left, or a variable difficulty, there is not all that much reason to upgrade to Pixelated Plus.

Also as Marco also saw the reviews for the free version are slightly lower then the reviews for the paid version of the game. A good number of these reviews are simply asking for features that are in the $2.99 Pixelated Plus. The amount of money that the free version of the game brings in through advertising is relatively small.

Overall Consensus

While the free version of Pixelated brings in only a little revenue through ad views, its true purpose is to generate awareness and sales for Pixelated Plus. In that it is doing a great job to the point where the application is better off with the free version sticking around. Historically sales of Pixelated Plus have seen little change in sales when the paid version is updated, but will see a spike in sales following an update to the free version of the app.

While Pixelated is probably well known enough at this point to not as desperately need a free version, but given the fact that this game continues to sell so well almost two years after it was first released is really not a reason to knock out the parts that of the equation that made this app a success in the first place.

Xploding Boxes updated to version 1.4

BlackBerry strategy game Xploding Boxes has been updated to version 1.4 in BlackBerry AppWorld this weekend. The new version fixes some bugs and adds 10 new levels to the game.

About Xploding Boxes

Xploding Boxes (also known as Exploding Boxes) is a strategy game for BlackBerry where the goal of the game is to start a chain reaction that will explode all of the boxes on the screen. Each level gives you a different number of clicks, and requires a different strategy to solve. The first 25 levels are free, while the full 160 levels can be accessed by making an in-application payment.

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BlackBerry OS usage over the past year

The number of BlackBerry phones running OS 6.0 has increased to 25.2% of the market last month. While 84.0% of BlackBerrys now run OS 5.0 or higher.

Eight months after the release of OS 5.0 it had already captured over twice the market, while OS 6.0 is only doing half as well at the eight month mark. Overall adoption of the newer OS is mostly being held back by the limited number of upgrades from devices that originally were released with 5.0 operating systems. Given the lack of an upgrade path, it would be expected to see a similarly slow uptake of OS 7.0 when it is released this summer. (Although 7.0 will be helped some by being available on all the major US carriers at launch).

As usual this data is taken from downloads of the popular BlackBerry strategy game Pixelated. Data starts from the release of version 2.0 in April of 2010, and goes through the end of last month.

Version 2.2 of Twinkle Released

Version 2.2 of Twinkle has now been released in BlackBerry AppWorld. This version brings a number of new features to the app, and further expands upon Twinkle’s ‘super-app’ experience.

About Twinkle

Twinkle is a simple application that allows you to set and keep track of upcoming and past events. Twinkle will tell you how far away an event is, and allows you to send events to and from your BlackBerry’s native calendar. Twinkle gives you the ability to add and edit events, lets you keep track of how soon something is, or how long it has been since an event.

New in Version 2.2

One of the new features in the app is the ability to remove all advertising in Twinkle, by paying for a 99¢ in-application payment that can be accessed through the “Remove Advertising” option within the game’s menu.

Another new feature in version 2.2 is the ability to add existing events to the BlackBerry calendar. While it has always been possible to add events to the calendar when they are first created, you can now send pre-existing Twinkle events to the calendar through an option in the menu on the ‘Edit Event’ screen.

Additionally, Twinkle also now offers ‘Aqua’ as a background colour, can dynamically adjust the font size to allow for longer titles, and has seen a few other parts of the UI cleaned up as well.

Keyboard shortcuts

Also this version adds two more keyboard shortcuts, with ‘t’ taking you to the top of your list of Twinkle events, and ‘b’ moving the selection to the final event that is listed. This in addition to the existing shortcuts where ‘e’ and ‘enter’ both open up the currently selected event for editing, ‘c’ allows you to create a new event. ‘n’ moves the selection to the next event, while ‘p’ moves the selection to the previous event. These shortcuts are available on all full-qwerty BlackBerry phones.

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Black Out now available in BlackBerry AppWorld

Black Out is now available for the BlackBerry PlayBook through AppWorld. This strategy game was previously announced and has now been released with version 1.1 of the application.

How to Play

The goal to Black Out is to tap the tiles, so that they all get ‘blacked out’. This is complicated because whenever you tap to flip a tile, it also flips all of the tiles surrounding it. As such it requires a well laid out strategy.

In order to accommodate different difficulties, the game supports board sizes from 3×3 all the way up to a 10×10 grid. Furthermore, there is also a hint button in case you find yourself a bit too stuck.

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Pixelated updated to version 2.6

Pixelated has now been updated to version 2.6, one day after Pixelated Plus was updated. This new version fixes the bugs the previous PlayBook version had, and now automatically saves any in-progress games for both the tablet and smartphone versions of the app.

New in version 2.6

In addition to the bug fixes, much of the user interface was also reworked on the PlayBook, making fonts easier to read, and adding direct links to take you to the website, and to email support for the app. The main change for the smartphone version of the app is that persistence of games from one session to another. You can now exit the application (or even restart your phone) and not lose any progress in your current game.

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New Version of Pixelated Plus

Pixelated Plus, currently the 6th most popular app for the BlackBerry PlayBook has now been updated to version 2.6. This update fixes the bugs found in the first PlayBook version, and now automatically saves any in-progress games for both the tablet and smartphone versions of the app.

New in version 2.6

In addition to the bug fixes on the PlayBook version, much of the user interface was also reworked making fonts easier to read, and adding direct links to take you to the website, and to email support for the app. The main change for the smartphone version of the app is that persistence of games from one session to another. You can now exit the application (or even restart your phone) and not lose any progress in your current game.

About Pixelated Plus

Pixelated Plus is an addicting puzzle based strategy game that requires a mixture of skill and luck in order to accomplish. The object of the game is to change the colour of the squares until the entire screen is a single solid colour. Starting with the square in the upper left corner you can change the colour of the blocks in order to match that of the surrounding squares. This is done repeatedly until the entire screen is a single colour. The object of the game is to clear the screen in as few moves as possible. Under the default settings you must do so in under 22 moves in order to win.

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More PlayBook Applications need to make use of the swipe down menu

The bezel on the top of the PlayBook is reserved for developers to integrate a menu that can be swiped down from the top. However, an unfortunately large number of applications do not currently make use of this option. This breaks the consistency of the platform, and makes it more difficult for users to quickly get used to the tablet’s interface.

If not enough apps make use of the swipe down menu, users will not expect it to exist, and for those applications that do use it, users are liable to be unaware of the menu’s existence, and any additional items that are located there. Furthermore the alternative is to place a menu button on the screen that takes up space, and prevents the app from feeling like a native application.

Currently of the top 10 free apps, only 3 (including Pixelated) support a swipe down menu. Furthermore RIM is not even including one in all of its own applications such as the Scrapbook App, or even BlackBerry AppWorld. Given all of the support that RIM has offered to EA for Need For Speed, you would think that it would implement this basic UI function, but instead this app ignores the top bezel, and uses a convoluted two finger swipe instead.

RIM does not appear particularly interested in promoting this swipe down menu, but should they change their mind, they could do so by requiring that an app make use of such a menu in order to be featured in AppWorld. If RIM were to do this, the number of apps implementing a menu would rather quickly hit critical mass, and in turn give users a more consistent, and predictable interface to navigate.

How to invoke AppWorld in ActionScript

The ActionScript SDK for BlackBerry AppWorld does not include any published api’s to directly invoke native applications such as BlackBerry AppWorld. There is however a round about way to do so. The navigateToURL() method can be used to launch the web browser. Furthermore the browser intercepts specific app URLs to launching BlackBerry AppWorld instead. So if you wanted to launch AppWorld directly from inside an ActionScript app, all you need to do is to use the navigateToURL() method by pointing it at an AppWorld URL.

The following is an event that is fired following a click to a “Launch AppWorld” button.

public function lauchAppWorld(event:MouseEvent):void
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(“http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/1839”))

You can test this approach by simply entering the URL into the browser on your PlayBook. The one downside this course of action has however, is that along the way you will end up launching the browser with a blank window. But until more API’s are available this is at least an approach that works.


A better approach has been found. In order to go straight to AppWorld you can use navigateToURL() with a link in the format “appworld://content/1839” instead. The below approach is much cleaner and preferred to the work around listed above.

public function lauchAppWorld(event:MouseEvent):void
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(“appworld://content/1839”))

Version 2.5 of Pixelated

The free version of Pixelated has been updated to version 2.5. This new version improves navigation using the trackpad, and adds support for the BlackBerry PlayBook.

About Pixelated

Pixelated is an addicting puzzle based strategy game that requires a mixture of skill and luck in order to accomplish.

The object of the game is to change the colour of the squares until the entire screen is a single solid colour. Starting with the square in the upper left corner you can change the colour of the blocks in order to match that of the surrounding squares. This is done repeatedly until the entire screen is a single colour.

The object of the game is to clear the screen in as few moves as possible. Under the default settings you must do so in under 21 moves in order to win.

New in version 2.5

Trackpad support has been expanded so that you can also flick up and down in order to scroll through the colour options as well as left and right. Also the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is now supported, although there are a few issues that will be fixed soon, so it is actually recommended that you wait until version 2.6 is out before adding this game to your PlayBook. If all goes according to plan, version 2.6 of Pixelated will be out this time next week.

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Hockey Scores updated to version 2.6

The Hockey Scores BlackBerry application has been updated to version 2.6 improving the quality of the images used for the team logos, as well as expanding the number of keyboard shortcuts that can be used within the application.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are supported within the Hockey Scores application on all full-qwerty devices. Pressing ‘e’ or ‘enter’ expands the currently selected game to show details. Pressing the ‘n’ key moves the selection to the next game, while ‘p’ moves the selection to the previous game. Pressing ‘t’ moves the selection to the top of the screen, while pressing ‘b’ moves the selection to the last game listed.

Device Support

Hockey Scores runs on all BlackBerry devices running OS 4.6.0 or higher. This includes the 8330, 8350i, 8520, 8530, 8900, 8910, 9000, 9100, 9105, 9300, 9330, 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550, 9630, 9650, 9670, 9700, 9780, and 9800.

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RIM’s PlayBook development guide is wrong

I recently found some issues with my apps on the BlackBerry PlayBook. These issues were a direct result of following RIM’s BlackBerry Tablet development guide. They need to fix this and stop making suggestions that simply do not work.

The article wisely recommends that you make sure that the application’s state is saved when it is deactivated and pushed to the background, but recommends a technique that is inconsistent at best. They are recommending that you save data by listening for Event.DEACTIVATE which detects when another application receives focus. However this event is never fired when the application exits (unless you run in Paused mode like the simulators used to). Assuming that you could use this approach to save data upon exiting is at the root of a lot of the problems in the early PlayBook applications.

Instead you can actually detect the application closing by using NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.EXITING,saveData) to listen for an exiting event, and saving data then. Until RIM’s development guide on the life cycle of PlayBook applications mentions this, it will just be wrong.

Xploding Boxes updated to version 1.3

Xploding Boxes has been updated to version 1.3 adding 20 new levels, new features, and some bug fixes. This brings the total number of levels up to 150.

About Xploding Boxes

Xploding Boxes (also known as Exploding Boxes) is a strategy game for BlackBerry where the goal of the game is to start a chain reaction that will explode all of the boxes on the screen. Each level gives you a different number of clicks, and requires a different strategy to solve. The first 25 levels are free, while the rest of the levels can be accessed by making an in-application payment.

Xploding Triangles

Introduced in the new levels with this update are xploding triangles that only release a single bullet after they blow up. Like the black boxes introduced earlier this allows for more variety and complexity in the design of the levels.

Fix of 30222 Error

In previous versions some users encountered a 30222 error, after trying to upgrade the app after deleting the and reinstalling it. This problem has been addressed in version 1.3 of Xploding Boxes, but a few users may additionally need to archive the application, and then restore from there in order to be able to access the full version.

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Pixelated Plus on the PlayBook does not save your data

I just wrote yesterday about the problems some applications will have on the PlayBook at launch due to a complete lack of testing. Just a few hours ago RIM finally updated the simulator, and it reveals that under normal situations your game data in my application will not be saved.

As such Black Out will be pulled from AppWorld until it can be updated to version 1.1 and tested on an actual device. Pixelated Plus and the free version of Pixelated will remain for sale in order to not disrupt the many customers using the application on their phones. The free version of Pixelated has not yet been approved in AppWorld, but probably will be later this week.

An update to these applications is (obviously) going to be a top priority and will be released as soon as possible. Until then, however, THE ONLY WAY TO ENSURE THAT YOUR PROGRESS IN THE GAME IS SAVED IS TO OPEN UP THE GAME OPTIONS AND CHANGE THE COLOUR SCHEME. So at least there is a workaround (as bizarre as it may be).

The disappointing thing is that this issue could have been avoided completely had RIM just send out devices to developers a week ago. Although the issue has not yet had time to be fully investigated, a few days notice probably would be enough to have this fixed by the launch of the device. Instead Research in Motion is sending out units to developers a week late, which is just going to delay everyone getting their applications updated even more.