2011 has been a great year to be an app developer. These are the highlights in chronological order.
- Black Out is developed as my first PlayBook application
- Hockey Scores became one of the first BlackBerry apps to use in-app payments
- Xploding Boxes was launched in February
- Simple dice application was released in March
- Pixelated adds support for the PlayBook. Has been in the top 25 free apps ever since.
- Binary Clock app was released in June
- Twinkle adds BBM Support. Usage skyrockets
- I attend the NYC Hackathon in August
- I attend an October Hackathon in Toronto
- Twinkle, Xploding Boxes, and Pixelated get translated into multiple languages
- I attended BlackBerry DevCon in San Fransisco
- I attended Rochester BarCamp
- 9 Men’s Morris was released in November
- Pixelated Plus and Xploding Boxes become available on the Nook
Here is to a great 2012!