For the next week I will be at Camp Duffield, and because I will be lifeguarding I will be without my phone for most of the day, and near impossible to get in touch with. Still if you need to, leave a message and I will get back to you eventually…
Summer Camp
BlackBerry 10’s problem with the swipe-down menu
The UI that BlackBerry introduced on the PlayBook, and continued on BlackBerry 10 calls for the support of a swipe-down menu where a user can swipe down from the top bezel and gain access to additional options for the app. The design in very good in theory in that it allows a dedicated menu area without consuming any real estate on the screen or requiring a dedicated menu button. However, far too few apps make use of this menu for consumers to expect it to be there.
I have written about this problem before. Over two years ago I noticed this problem on the PlayBook and the issue has only gotten worse since then. The Cascades framework instead encourages the use of an overflow menu, and even less preinstalled apps make use of the swipe-down menu.
Major apps such as the Browser, Facebook, and the search app do not have a swipe-down menu at all. Many other first party apps such as the Pictures app, the Videos app, the Music app, and the File Manager make only trivial use of the swipe down menu offering nothing more than a link to an external help file. (Couldn’t BlackBerry at least open these help menus as a card?) Even more interesting is the Calculator app that had a swipe down menu when BlackBerry 10 first launched, but as of 10.1 no longer has one at all.
Following BlackBerry’s lead, many developers (including myself) stopped using swipe-down menus. Following the current UI guidelines for Cascades almost every app will have some sort of an action bar making it trivial for developers to just place everything else in the overflow menu where it is much more discoverable by users. At this point I honestly can not recommend that anyone rely on the swipe-down menu as the only way to do anything in their app.
In version 5.1 of my Twinkle app (pictured) I am implementing a swipe-down menu in a Cascades app for the first time. Yet all three of the options there are redundant and are also available through the standard action bar overflow menu. At this time, this is the absolute most support that I am willing to give to the swipe-down menu. If BlackBerry wants this situation to change, they should seriously rethink their UI guidelines and what they are doing with their own apps…
Twinkle updated with a new color, and improved calendar integration.
Twinkle has been updated in BlackBerry World to version 5.1 for BlackBerry 10 phones and version 4.2 for BBOS phones. These new version now allow you to use pink as a background color for events, and also adds calendar integration and landscape orientation support for BlackBerry 10 phones. You can now export individual events to the device’s calendar, and you can also bulk import existing calendar events.
About Twinkle
Twinkle is an app that allows you to set and keep track of upcoming and past events. Twinkle will tell you how far away an event is, and share it with a friends through social networks. The app includes an number of options for sorting or filtering your views in order to allow you to easily be able to manage a large number of different events.
New in this version of Twinkle
Support has been added to allow this app to work in either portrait or landscape orientation on the BlackBerry Z10. Also pink has been added as a new background color option for a events. Also new in this update is to touch and hold an event to get the option to send an event to the native calendar app. The option page, now also links to an ‘Import from Calendar’ page where you can choose to import all future or past events that you already have stored in the calendar app.
Links & Information
Predicting BlackBerry’s Q1 sales
Given the popularity of the free game Pixelated I have a healthy data set in order to publish statistics on the BlackBerry ecosystem which I have been lead to believe are fairly accurate. As such I have decided to use this data in order to predict BlackBerry’s sales for Q1 2014 (which ended June 1st and will be reported in the morning on June 28th).
Working on the assumption that there is a correlation between downloads of Pixelated and sales of BlackBerry 10, my model predicts that BlackBerry sold 5.09M BB10 phones in Q1.
As a disclaimer I should point out that there is a possibility that I am spectacularly wrong. Just because I have a mathematical formula doesn’t mean that my assumption are correct. Really the only way to test and verify my model is to publicly post the result and see how it does.
Runaway Trains now at version 2.5
Runaway Trains has been updated to version 2.5 in BlackBerry World, and Google Play. This update adds ten new levels and makes some improvements to the app’s active frame on BlackBerry 10 phones. Additionally a few of the early levels have been redesigned to give an easier start to the game.
About Runaway Trains
Runaway Trains is a colorful strategy game for all ages where you must route the trains to the proper station. Each level progresses in difficulty and presents an unique puzzle which you must solve by finding a way to guide the coloured trains causing a collision or running out of track.
This is done by touching the intersections to toggle the open path of the tracks. If at any time the trains crash or end up at the wrong station, you will have lost and have to try again.
Links & Information
- Runaway Trains at AppWorld
- Runaway Trains for the Nook
- Runaway Trains on Google Play
- Runaway Trains on Amazon
- Runaway Trains News site
- Runaway Trains Website
- Ebscer on Twitter
- Ebscer on Facebook
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How to switch and rename lists in Stuff I Need
Version 2.0 of the Stuff I Need checklist app adds the ability to use multiple lists. The video below shows how to switch lists and change the name of the current list.
Links & Information
BBOS distribution unchanged over the last month
The distribution of BlackBerry OS version in May was almost unchanged from April. 37.2% of users were running OS 7 while 65.8% of users were running OS 6 or higher.
This data was taken from downloads of the free BlackBerry strategy game Pixelated. Data shown on the chart is from the beginning of May 2012 through the end of May 2013, and does not include BlackBerry 10 or PlayBook devices.
Stuff I Need gets multiple lists
The Stuff I Need app gets support for multiple lists in version 2.0 of the app which in now available for download through BlackBerry World. The app also includes other improvements such as the use of more explicit keyboard shortcuts, but the ability to have multiple lists is the biggest change.
About Stuff I Need
Originally conceived as a grocery list app, this minimalistic checklist can be used to keep track of the stuff you need to get, or the stuff that you need to do. Items on the list can be edited (or deleted) by giving them a long press.
Multiple Lists
Lists can be switched by pulling down on the tab at the top of the screen. This will expose a spinner that shows all of your current lists. New lists can be added by using the “+” button on the right side of the tab. Long pressing on the list name, will allow you to rename a list. Any lists with zero items will be automatically deleted once you exit the app. By default you are limited to just two lists, but you can get unlimited lists with a $1.99 in-app purchase.
Links & Information
How to link to Facebook and Twitter in Cascades
In cascades it is possible to link directly to a particular Facebook or Twitter profile using the following code.
void MyApp::invokeTwitter()
bb::system::InvokeManager* m_invokeManager;
m_invokeManager = new InvokeManager(this);
InvokeRequest request;
}void MyApp::invokeFacebook()
bb::system::InvokeManager* m_invokeManager;
m_invokeManager = new InvokeManager(this);
InvokeRequest request;
QVariantMap payload;
payload["object_type"] = "page";
payload["object_id"] = "152370494833193";
Calling this code will directly open the Twitter and Facebook pages for Ebscer.
Simple Dice updated to version 2.2
The Simple Dice app has been update to version 2.2 in BlackBerry World. This version adds direct links to my Twitter and Facebook, as well as dynamically posting the price for the in-app purchase that can be used in order to remove the advertising from the app.
About Simple Dice
This free app is exactly what it sounds like, just a virtual die that you can roll to get a random number between one and six. The app can also be downloaded from BlackBerry World for both BlackBerry 10 and older touchscreen BlackBerry phones.
Links & Information
Four years of Pixelated
Four years ago today I sold my first three copies of Pixelated Plus. Since then the game has been written from the ground up five different times in four different languages. The game The game has gone from just supporting the Storm to supporting every BlackBerry phone that ran OS 4.6 and everything newer including the PlayBook, and BlackBerry 10, and even to other platforms such as the Nook Color and Windows 8. The result is over six million downloads and enough income for this to be my full time job for the past two and a half years.
I hate when people ask me where I see myself in the next five years, because five years ago I certainly did not see this…
Another 10 levels for Xploding Boxes
Xploding Boxes has been updated to version 4.5 with an additional 10 levels. This brings the total number of levels in the game up to 390. This update also brings a few other improvements to the app as well. On Android devices (including the Nook) improvements were made to the fonts used in various parts of the app. On Windows the live tile for the game was improved, while the active frame on the Q10 also got an overhaul.
About Xploding Boxes
Xploding Boxes is a strategy game for BlackBerry, Android, Nook, Windows 8, and BlackBerry 10 where the goal of the game is to start a chain reaction that will explode all of the boxes on the screen. Each level gives you a different number of touches, and requires a different strategy to solve.
The game itself, and the first 25 levels are available for free, while an in-app purchase can be used to access the rest of the levels for just $2.99 while maintaining your progress from the free levels.
Links & Information
- Xploding Boxes at BlackBerry World
- Xploding Boxes in the Windows 8 Store
- Xploding Boxes for Android at Google Play
- Xploding Boxes for Android at the Amazon App Store
- Xploding Boxes for the Barnes and Noble Nook
- Xploding Boxes Website
- Xploding Boxes RSS
- Ebscer on Twitter
- Ebscer on FaceBook
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Replay of my BlackBerry Live presentation
The replay of my BlackBerry Live presentation with Brian Scheirer and Suavek Zajac can now be viewed on the BlackBerry Live site.
A recording of the presentation along with the slides can be found on the right side of this page. You can also download the full Powerpoint slides and the complete source code of the sample app.
Carrier distributions for BlackBerry 10
Earlier this week I posted carrier distribution breakdowns for the UK, and for Canada over at BerryReview, and Gadget Masters. Both of these charts are based on data collected by BlackBerry World, as the time of download for downloads of Pixelated during April. Next month I will look at the situation in the United States as well.
At CrackBerry Live!
Last week while in Orlando I had the opportunity to talk with Adam from CrackBerry. We talk about my history of writing BlackBerry apps, some of the new announcements made at the event, and I show off my Starbeams game.