All posts by Eric at Ebscer

10 new levels for Xploding Boxes

Nexus4It has been a few months since the last update, but Xploding Boxes has been updated to version 4.7 in order to bring the total number of levels up to 410.

About Xploding Boxes

Xploding Boxes is a strategy game for BlackBerry, Android, Nook, Windows 8, and BlackBerry 10 where the goal of the game is to start a chain reaction that will explode all of the boxes on the screen. Each level gives you a different number of touches, and requires a different strategy to solve.

The game itself, and the first 25 levels are available for free, while a one time in-app purchase can be used to access the rest of the levels for just $2.99 while maintaining your progress from the free levels.

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Majority of BlackBerry 10 users on newest OS

November saw a majority of BlackBerry 10 users move to OS 10.2, the newest version of the operating system. However, due to a slow roll out by some carriers (such as Verizon) there still remains a sizable number of users on the older 10.1 version.



59.3% of users who downloaded Pixelated in November were running the newest OS, while this was true for 67.9% of users who downloaded the Stuff I Need app. Meanwhile there are still about five percent of BlackBerry 10 users on the original 10.0 release that the Z10 first launched with.

This data was collected by BlackBerry World for downloads of the free strategy game Pixelated and the free checklist app Stuff I Need. Data shown on the chart is from the beginning of February 2013 through the end of November 2013.

Pixelated Shapes now available for Windows 8

Pixelated Shapes has now been released for Windows 8 tablets. Pixelated Shapes is an addictive game of strategy and colour that takes the traditional Pixelated concept into new shapes such as Triangles and Hexagons. This version of the game includes all of the same features of the BlackBerry and Android versions of the app.


About Pixelated Shapes

Pixelated Shapes is a twist on the classic version of Pixelated that replaces the familiar squares with triangles and hexagons. The object of the game is to get the screen a single color by slowly growing a blob out of the upper left hand corner by matching it to the colors of the surrounding shapes. This is done repeatedly until either the game is won, or you run out of moves. Under the default settings you must clear the screen in 29 moves or less in order to win. A one time in-app upgrade can allow you to adjust the difficult, switch color schemes, change to different game modes, and get an indicator giving you the number of remaining moves.

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Why the humble HDMI cable is the best BlackBerry accessory


Crackberry is currently taking nominations for the best apps and accessories of the year, with the process predictably being focused on the cases and chargers that they sell so many of in their store. However, I would like to argue that the best accessory you can buy for your phone is none other than the humble HDMI cable.

Being able to connect your phone to a large screen completely changes the way that you are able to share your phone with your friends and family. Sharing photos on a television (often already set up for good group viewing angles) is far better than having everyone huddle around a four inch screen. An HDMI cable and a simple painting app has become my preferred set up for playing pictionary. Apps such as the CBS video player, apps like Scorekeeper, and even games such as Jetpack Joyride all work great when hooked up to a larger screen. Some newer apps such as BlackBerry Express and Pixelated (show in the video below) are even designed to reconfigure themselves into a special mode when attached to a larger screen.

Eventually wireless standards such as Miracast will make HDMI cables obsolete, but for now an HDMI cable is the best three dollars you can spend to accessorize your BlackBerry.

Only 1 in 4 BlackBerry 10 phones have a physical keyboard

I have been pointing this out for awhile now, but the majority of BlackBerry 10 phones sold have no physical keyboard at all. Given BlackBerry’s history this is surprising to some, but has been rather consistent for at least half a year now. Devices with keyboards peaked at 28.76% in August, but since then most of the market’s growth has come from the touch-screen only Z30.


This data was collected by BlackBerry World for downloads of the free checklist app Stuff I Need. Data shown on the chart is from the beginning of June 2013 through the end of November 2013.

Classic BlackBerry OS distribution mostly unchanged

November saw very little change in the distribution of OS versions on classic BlackBerry phones.


November saw 46.6% of users running OS 7, with the rest of the user base split rather evenly between OS 5 and 6.

This data was collected by BlackBerry World for downloads of the free BlackBerry strategy game Pixelated. Data shown on the chart is from the beginning of November 2012 through the end of November 2013, and does not include BlackBerry 10 or PlayBook devices.

10 more levels for Starbeams

IMG_00000022With the release of version 1.4 Starbeams has gotten ten additional levels, bringing the total up to 140. In addition to the new levels the Windows 8 version of the game has been modified in order to support a larger variety of screen resolutions.

About Starbeams

The object of the game is to assign colors to each star in order to ensure that none of the stars are connected to another star of the same color. The game starts off easy, but quickly gets more complex, adding more colors and seven pointed stars that can not be changed.

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Pixelated Shapes updated

IMG_00000135Pixelated Shapes has been updated to version 1.1 in BlackBerry World, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore. This new version adds a new neon color scheme option, as well as improving the way that the graphics are generated, and BlackBerry 10 users also get access to a new HDMI out mode that transforms the game when connected to an external screen.

New features

The BlackBerry 10 version of the app now has an instal size that is 49% smaller than before, and also starts up 30% quicker. In addition to these improvements, the app also now has an HDMI mode like that which was recently added to the classic version of Pixelated. Additionally the display of the app was also improved on Android devices that now appear better over a greater number of different screen resolutions.

About Pixelated Shapes

Pixelated Shapes is a twist on the classic version of Pixelated that replaces the familiar squares with triangles and hexagons. The object of the game is to get the screen a single color by slowly growing a blob out of the upper left hand corner by matching it to the colors of the surrounding shapes. This is done repeatedly until either the game is won, or you run out of moves. Under the default settings you must clear the screen in 29 moves or less in order to win. A one time in-app upgrade can allow you to adjust the difficult or change to different game modes.

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Pixelated upgraded to version 3.5


Pixelated and Pixelated Plus have been upgraded to version 3.5 for BlackBerry, Nook, Windows Phone, and Windows 8. All platforms now support a new neon color scheme that is available to users who have purchased the paid version of the app. The Windows Phone, Windows 8, and BlackBerry OS versions of the app all have a reduced footprint. Additionally the Windows Phone version has been given better support for users running a bright theme on their device.

New for BlackBerry 10

The BlackBerry 10 version of the game now starts up 12% quicker, and also has a new HDMI mode. This new feature (demonstrated in the video below) allows you to use your phone as a remote controller for the game which will be displayed on an external screen. Once the screen is disconnected the game can resume on your phone like normal.

How to Play Pixelated

Pixelated is an addictive puzzle based strategy game that requires a mixture of skill and luck in order to accomplish. The object of the game is to change the colour of the squares until the entire screen is a single solid colour. Starting with the square in the upper left corner you can change the colour of the blocks in order to match that of the surrounding squares. This is done repeatedly until the entire screen is a single colour. The object of the game is to clear the screen in as few moves as possible. Under the default settings you must do so in under 22 moves in order to win. The game is controlled by the large colored blocks at the bottom of the screen.

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Stuff I Need for Windows Phone 8 updated to version 2.2.1

2.2.1.DropDownThe free Stuff I Need checklist app has received a major upgrade for Windows Phone 8 users. This update adds the ability to manage multiple lists and gives the app full parity with the BlackBerry 10 version. By default users are given the option to create up to two named lists, but can create an unlimited number of different lists following a one time in-app purchase.

About Stuff I Need

Originally conceived as a grocery list app, this minimalistic checklist app can be used to keep track of the stuff you need to get, or the stuff that you need to do. Items on the list can be edited (or deleted) by giving them a long press. Lists can be switched by pulling down on the tab at the top of the screen. This will expose a spinner that shows all of your lists. New lists can be created by tapping the “+” button on the right side of the expanded tab.

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Adoption of 10.2 starts off slow

Despite the rapid adoption seen earlier this year of OS 10.1 the adoption of OS 10.2 has gotten off to a bit of a slower start. Statistics are shown from the entire month of October, so it does include a few days before the upgrade was officially released, but a decent percentage of users had already downloaded leaked versions of the OS the month before. Downloads of Pixelated showed 16.2% of users running OS 10.2 in October, while downloads of Stuff I Need showed 28.2% of users on 10.2 during the same month.



This data was collected by BlackBerry World for downloads of the free strategy game Pixelated and the free checklist app Stuff I Need. Data shown on the chart is from the beginning of February 2013 through the end of October 2013.

Twinkle updated to version 5.2

IMG_00000048Twinkle has been updated to version 5.2 in BlackBerry World for all BlackBerry 10 phones. This update fixes a few bugs and also optimizes the app and gives it a smaller install size.

About Twinkle

Twinkle is an app that allows you to set and keep track of upcoming and past events. Twinkle will tell you how far away an event is, and share it with a friends through social networks. The app includes an number of options for sorting or filtering your views in order to allow you to easily be able to manage and share a large number of different events.IMG_00000050

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Stuff I Need updated on Windows Phone

2.2.1.AddNew2The Stuff I Need app has been updated to version 1.3 for Windows Phone users. This update applies both to users of Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 and includes a complete visual refresh in order to allow the app to truly embrace the dark theme that the app uses. Additionally the options page now includes an option to uncheck all items in the current list.

About the app

Originally conceived as a grocery list app, this minimalistic checklist can be used to keep track of the stuff you need to get, or the stuff that you need to do. Items on the list can be edited (or deleted) by giving them a long press.

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