There is a slight change in Cascades 10.3 dealing with conditional variables based off of the length of the hint text of a field. For example the following code (designed to only show the TextField when the hint text is not an empty string) would work on BlackBerry 10.2 but fails when run on BlackBerry 10.3
Container { property alias hint:newTextField.hintText property alias text:lbl.text Label { id:lbl multiline:true } TextField { id:newTextField visible: { if(hint.length>0) { true } else { false } } } }
Fortunately the work around for this is extremely simple. You just need to create (and set) an additional alias for the visibility of the field. This is shown below…
Container { property alias hint:newTextField.hintText property alias text:lbl.text property alias showTextField:newTextField.visible Label { id:lbl multiline:true } TextField { id:newTextField } }